about us
Theologames is a Christian based organisation dedicated to communicating the amazing Word of God in the Bible through creative multiplayer games. We do this as a way to help everyone enjoy learning about the mysteries of the Scriptures and to discover Truth contained in them.
Our name comes from the combination of 'theology' (the study of God) and 'games' the fun way to learn and interact with information. Our games combine traditional board gaming and online interaction for sound, video and challenge etc.
Join our blog conversation if you are interested in any aspect of Christian gaming and creative Bible teaching here.
the games
Our games seek to provide a fun way for both Christian and non-Christians to discover the amazing mysteries in the Scriptures of the Bible. Our first game is being launched in soon and we hope you will be able to help us make this a success by spreading the word and by pledging your support via the KICKSTARTER crowd funding website. We want all our games to reach out to as many seekers of the Truth as possible.
Our games are designed with reference to the KJV Bible, archeological discoveries and mathematics. Our launch board game, 'Pearls of Wisdom', shows the amazing synergy of the 66 Bible books in the Canon of Scripture that was affirmed during the Reformation (1517) and which formed the modern KJV Bible from 1611. Discover the game here: www.pearlsofwisdomgame.info
The team at Theologames is excited by the Bible and the amazing truth it contains about Jesus and the history of Israel. To help communicate and teach these revelations we are constantly being inspired with new creative ideas for games of all kinds that will help us all learn and remember the Word of God.
In the pipeline are more board games, card games and digital games, so if you want to take this exciting journey with us why not sign up to our monthly blog update to keep in touch with our news. Click here.
contact us
Get in touch at any time through our contact page on any subject. We appreciate your contributions of constructive criticism, encouragement and involvement. You might have ideas of your want to develop with us, we will gladly review these, but can't guarantee their production.