The first agent begins play from their colour STAR SPACE adjoining their agency base on the outer circle by throwing the dice once. Agents then move in an anti-clockwise direction towards one of the travel icons listed on their first Diaspora Operation card (see How to play).
NEXT – Depending on your score you will move onto different board spaces which affect movements and important resources. Below are the meanings for each of these:

If an agent moves onto this space they must go back to their Star Space start position, unless they can block this sign by placing down a Black Ace playing card (see Code Book page 2 & 4).

An agent is arrested and placed in Jail for 2 turns unless they can play the Ace of Hearts to escape. If none in hand they can give back an Ali-Facts card to the bottom of the Ali-Facts pack to then take the top playing card from the playing card deck to try for the Ace card (See Code Book page 3).

Collect one white Zion Stone from the bag. If no Zion Stones are available in the bag the agent must give a Zion Stone back to the bag or if none miss-a-turn (see Code Book, Red 7 page 3 & 5).

Collect a Playing card from the top of the deck and then apply (activate) a card in your hand if useful to gain advantage. Place it face-up next to the main deck to activate it.

The Agent can choose to use a single Playing card or playing card set in their hand by placing it face-up next to the main deck to activate it.

The Agent must produce a picture playing card and activate it to clear the passport check. If none in hand they can give back an Ali-Facts card to the bottom of the Ali-Facts pack to then take the top playing card from the playing card deck to try for a picture card. Failure to produce a picture card in this way means they must take another Diaspora card from those remaining and add this to the bottom of their Operations stack on their base, then go back to their Star Start position.

Pick up an Ali-Facts card and read the information to the other agents to increase knowledge of Aliyah. Keep the card to use it for a trade when needing a playing card (see PASSPORT CHECK, SHABBAT).

Take a break and miss-a-turn unless you have any red King to continue next turn. Trade an Ali-Facts card to the bottom of the card pack to then take a playing card from the deck (see Code Book page 3 & 5).